Friday, July 7, 2023

Port Henry, NY

We took our time leaving Chipman’s Point Marina on Thursday, July 6. After one last walk through the gorgeous countryside, Jonny stopped at the marina “office” to stock up on another of this marina’s benefits - ice cream!  They have a big freezer loaded with tubs of various flavors of delicious ice cream. It’s a help yourself set up with paper bowls and an ice cream scooper all for only $1 a serving!  Jonny stocked up on their maple walnut flavor.

We took off at 10:20 for the short three hour cruise to our destination, Port Henry, NY.  

It was a very hot and sunny day.  Heat records are being broken throughout the world this year and we are very glad to be up here and on the water for the summer.  It was a lovely cruise - the scenery is stunning. The lake was flat as a pancake. This part is very narrow, almost like a river, and didn’t begin to widen until we passed Crown Point.

We found an anchorage just outside of Port Henry by 12:45 and had lunch.  It was too hot to walk into town yet so we decided to cool off in the best possible way by going swimming.  It took me a while to lower myself in but once I did it was well worth it. The water was refreshingly cool and it definitely did the trick.  

Afterwards we read and relaxed until 4:00 when we took the dinghy into town. We landed by a park with a nearby beach.

Port Henry is a hamlet within the town of Moriah.  It has a population of 1,200 and it was known in the past for iron ore extraction and processing, harvesting smelt and ice fishing. The town has definitely seen better days.  We trudged up a very steep hill to reach the center of town. Along the way many of the homes were in various states of disrepair and there were few open businesses.  When we got to the top of the hill there were a few more stores and businesses but none with any real appeal to us. The shopping was limited to a Stuart’s (sort of like a 7-11) and a Dollar Store. We took advantage of both and stocked up on a few items.  There was a local bar and a cold beer was certainly in order but even Jonny refused to take advantage of its uninviting presence. I tried to capture some of the nicest images as we walked through town and not the less attractive ones.

Upon our return to Zendo, Jonny thought we might be better off moving to a more protected anchorage since the wind was anticipated to pick up. So we moved a half a mile north and settled in for the evening.  We had a delicious dinner of lamb chops, broccoli and quinoa on the aft deck.

Our plan was to leave early the next morning since thunderstorms are expected and we want to get settled before they hit.


  1. We have cruising friends, Tom and Sue on sailboat Juniper with no mast (temporarily). Say hi if you see them. Great people, like you.

    1. Meant to say they are from CT and are currently cruising the same area as you.
