Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Brigantine, NJ

We had a busy morning on Tuesday, July 28 which worked out well because we didn’t want to start traveling until the wind died down a little.  Jonny took Archie in to shore and headed to our favorite fish market next to the Lobster House.  In the meantime, I had my weekly Spanish lesson with my tutor. I’m really enjoying my lessons with Eliana and I’m definitely improving my language skills.

Jonny returned from the market with a lot of goodies - fresh hake, lobster chowder, shrimp, potato salad and cole slaw. We will feast tonight and for the next couple of days!

We pulled up anchor at 11:10 and headed out onto the Atlantic to sail up the coast of New Jersey. Our goal was to get to a favorite anchorage in Brigantine, next door to Atlantic City. We loaded Archie up with two doses of his CBD biscuits just in case.  We have to grind them up with cream cheese to get him to eat them.

On our way out of the harbor we passed a cat boat similar to the one we used to own which ironically was an Atlantic City cat boat!

It was a cool day and the seas were somewhat rolly out on the ocean, but not terrible.  We watched the dramatic testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson providing damaging testimony about Trump’s behavior on and around January 6.  What a brave young woman! Her life won’t be the same after this.

Two of the boats that had been docked next to us in Delaware City cruised by us and Jonny contacted them to say hello. They left Delaware City today and made it all the way to Atlantic City whereas it took us two day to cover the same “ground”. They obviously travel a bit faster than our 7 knots!

By 4:30 we wound our way through the narrow and shallow entrance to our anchorage passing by a lovely beach.  This year we were the only boat anchored in this pleasant spot. The Atlantic City skyline was was part of our view.

We found an empty lot where a new home was under construction and we tied up the dinghy in that makeshift spot.  Climbing onto land we found that we were in a neighborhood of waterfront houses that were also located on a very busy four lane street.  We carefully walked along the side of the road seeking any grass where Archie could relieve himself.  This is a very developed area with what looks like mostly newish single and multi-family homes.  We walked up to the Dollar Store where I bought a couple of dish towels and then headed back to Zendo.  If it wasn’t for Archie we probably wouldn’t have ventured on land here.

Back on Zendo Jonny grilled the hake which was delicious and we had it with the potato salad and cole slaw - a very satisfying dinner.  Jonny spent time trying to help his brother get their mom’s phone to work.  Tomorrow we continue our journey up the New Jersey coast.

1 comment:

  1. That is always one of our favorite spots, too. Safe travels!
