There are so many beautiful places to explore in Maine and we are trying to see as much as we can within our limited time frame. To that end, we’re trying, when possible, to get to more than one place on some days. On Tuesday, Sept. 8, we got an early start in order to spend part of the day in Camden and end up in an anchorage further down the coast. We headed out on a partly cloudy but warm day. Our morning cruise to Camden was a short one, only three hours. We cruised through Penobscot Bay among lots of little islands. We arrived in Camden, a very quaint and bustling town towards the top of the bay, around 10:30 a.m.
There we tied up at the town dock for a few hours among some very large boats.
We strolled around hungrily awaiting the opening of the restaurant we had chosen for lunch. We chose well, eating at a restaurant that Robbie and Linda had been to before, called Fresh.
We continued strolling the streets for a bit while Lynn bought a few gift items and Jonny found some nautical books at a used book store.
Robbie has been singing the praises of a Maine institution called Remy’s and there was one in Camden within walking distance. So we started the half mile walk on Route 1 to check it out. The walked seemed a lot longer and hotter than we expected. We had overshot our mark and ended up a mile out of town . After backtracking, we found the store at last. Remy’s sells everything – especially clothing and practical items, good name brands at discounted prices. How can you go wrong! Lynn found a couple of flannel shirts and Jonny bought a teapot (that he’s been wanting) and a French press as a backup to our coffee maker.
We hiked back into town and did a little grocery shopping and returned to the boat. We wanted to get fuel in Camden but their fuel dock was blocked with another cruiser for the afternoon so we pushed on for our evening’s anchorage.
When we left Camden, it was getting very hot and humid but as we got underway, things cooled off considerably. It’s crazy going from short sleeves and shorts to jeans, flannel shirts and windbreakers within an hour or two. But that’s life on the water. We need to be ever-adaptable!
After evaluating all of our options using our guide books, the Active Captain crowd sourcing app and Robbie’s friends’ local knowledge, we chose Burnt Island as our anchorage for the night. One of our options was Maple Juice Cove – the names are endlessly creative! The Burnt Island anchorage was a great choice. We arrived late for us, around 6:30. It was a beautiful place with only one other boat nearby.
After having such a big lunch, we opted for light nibbles and enjoyed yet another beautiful sunset.
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