Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Branford, CT

We headed out from Long Island for the Connecticut coast on Sunday August 23 at 8:30 after a beautiful sunrise.

The day started off clear but quickly became overcast.  But the sound was flat and the temperature was perfect.

The five hour cruise was very pleasant and we arrived at the Branford Yacht Club at 2:15. Our fellow MTOA member, Ted Graves, is a member there and we had asked him if we might dock at the club for a couple of days to get some needed boat repairs accomplished.  He is the friend who had kindly allowed us to use his mooring ball in the nearby Thimble Islands. We stayed there last year and plan to go there next. 

As we entered the bay where the yacht club is situated we passed many lovely shoreside homes. Some were very tastefully landscaped with beautiful meandering stone walls. 

When we settled in, Ted invited us to an outdoor food and music event at the yacht club.  There was a reggae band and food trucks selling lobster rolls and pizza. After showering and changing and donning our masks, we gladly joined in and stayed properly socially distant at the picnic tables. 

Our plan is to stay here and at the Thimble Islands for about 10 days altogether while we visit family and friends.  Jonny spent Monday fixing the line on the outboard motor and installing a new battery on Zendo while Lynn made dates with said friends and family.  That night, Jonny’s cousin Steven and his wife Ann came to visit and we were all going to go out to dinner.  They surprised us by announcing that his cousin Abby and her husband Rich and daughter Alana would also be joining us! Steven and Ann brought a bottle of Moët which we thoroughly enjoyed as well as produce from their garden. We had a great time catching up with everyone and pouring over old photos of Jonny’s family that they had collected for him after recently selling their mom’s home.  It was a fun and sweet walk down memory lane.  We FaceTimed with Andy and Jan who were particularly happy to see the Katzen “kids”!

From there we headed over to a very good Italian restaurant in Branford called Rossi Vino that was luckily open on a Monday night. We ate well and drank some more and finally headed back to Zendo quite repleted!

1 comment:

  1. the seafood salad sandwiches remind me of Capt. Dick's in the grove. did you ever go there? Paul loved that place!
