Saturday, October 15, 2022

Cape May, NJ

The original plan on Friday, October 14 was to take the ICW to Cape May because the seas were expected to be uncomfortable for traveling.  The ICW here is very skinny with lots of bridges all of which require the utmost attention to navigation.  While Jonny was taking Archie for his morning walk, he  learned from some of the local fisherman that the seas were not bad so he wanted to try the outside. If it was too rough we could always turn around and go on the inside. And so we headed out at 8 a.m. for the five and a half hour cruise to Cape May.

We nosed out into the ocean to check it out. There were 2 to 3 foot swells with long periods so it was really not too uncomfortable and we decided to go for it. It was quite chilly but we stayed on the flybridge and bundled up. I was not feeling 100% throughout the trip. I was a bit queasy so I was unable to do my usual reading, writing or needlepointing.  Instead I just cuddled with Archie and dozed occasionally throughout the cruise.

We arrived at our anchorage in Cape May by 1:20, had lunch, and took Archie into shore for a walk through some pretty Cape May neighborhoods.

We also went to our favorite fish market next to the Lobster House restaurant where we bought some of our favorite goodies.  Those included salmon, shrimp salad, crab soup, cole slaw and potato salad. We had to hold back from buying more because we are trying to use up the food in our pantry.

On the way in to shore we stopped to chat with a fellow boater and his wife who is with MTOA and who is a port captain in Camden, ME.  We invited them for cocktails later that afternoon.

Shortly after we returned from our walk and shopping Dan and Cathy came by for a little while. We had fun chatting with them and learning about their cruising experience. They were on their way to Florida and the Bahamas for the winter.

That night we had a very nice dinner of the leftover steak and sides from our dinner out the night before and planned for the next (and last) two days of travel before we end this year’s cruise.

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