Friday, August 2, 2024

S. Portland, ME

We got an early start on Wednesday, July 31 leaving our Saco River mooring by 7:30 to head for Portland. It was a cloudy day and the seas were quite rolly. 

Fortunately, we only had a three hour cruise to get to our reservation at South Point Marina in South Portland which is right across from Portland. As we approached our destination we passed the Portland Head Light, Maine’s oldest lighthouse which was constructed in 1791.

It was a relief to arrive at the marina after only three hours. And it always feels a little luxurious to be able to plug in, to use AC if needed, and not to have to take a dinghy into shore!  We can also get a lot done - boat chores and repairs, laundry, shopping, etc. 

We were excited to get together that evening with my old friend from Fairfield, Glenn Austin (we were in home room together for four years) and his wife Dee, who live about forty minutes away. I only see Glenn every ten years at our high school reunion.  Jonny also knows Glenn because the three of us went to UConn together.  But this was the first time I got to spend any time with Dee and it was such a pleasure getting to know her. They came over to see Zendo and have a drink and then they brought us to have dinner at DiMillo’s on the Water, a famous seafood restaurant in Portland. We had a delicious dinner and caught up on each other’s lives, 

The next day we took an Uber to bring Archie for his 9 a.m. grooming appointment in a nearby town. While he was busy being groomed I indulged myself in a mani-pedi and browsed through the nearby stores - WalMart,  Marshall’s and Homegoods where I effectively refrained from buying anything of note.

Archie got quite a haircut - next time we’ll make sure they don’t cut it quite as short! See the before and after photos below. He looks so skinny when he gets a haircut, but at least he won’t need another one for a long time!

We got back to Zendo just in time to catch another Uber because Jonny and I had a lunch date at our favorite restaurant in Portland called Central Provisions.  We had been there twice before and loved its creative offerings and its intimate, comfy ambiance.  It did not disappoint!

Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to explore Portland more during this visit. On our return trip we’ll make it a point to spend more time in this cool city.

The rest of the day was spent trip planning, doing chores and shopping that can only be done at a marina.  Jonny was a gem having done all the grocery shopping - something he actually loves to do!  We’ll be leaving the next day to continue our journey up the coast to down east Maine. 

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