Showing posts with label June 30. Show all posts
Showing posts with label June 30. Show all posts

Friday, July 10, 2020

2020 Cruise - Herring Bay Anchorage on the Chesapeake Bay

In late June we drove from Miami to Virginia to spend a week getting Zendo ready for our 2020 cruise.  On the drive up, we stayed with our friends Alex and Natalie in Jacksonville Beach and Cathy in Davidson, NC.  We had moved Zendo to a new marina, White Point in Kinsale, VA, to have some work done in advance of our arrival.

Most, but not all, of it was completed by the time we arrived. Jonny still had quite a long list of things to do including changing filters and impellers, replacing the regulator in the propane system, preparing the dinghy, reassembling the bimini, replacing hoses, etc. and of course, lots of deep cleaning.  We also had the boat hauled to scrape the barnacles off the bottom - a rather unpleasant job that we all participated in!  

The boatyard where we had it pulled had quite a motley collection of old cars in various stages of repair,

Our daily reward after long hot days of work was a dip in the marina’s swimming.  And finally, by Tuesday, June 30, we were ready to cruise!  Departure time was 7:30 since we had a long day ahead - almost 9 hours!  

Our destination was Annapolis where Stephanie and her boyfriend Ryan were joining us for a week of cruising on the Chesapeake.  Ryan’s parents had offered to drive them so we would have the opportunity to “meet the parents.”

It was a perfect day for cruising.  Sunny and warm, but not hot and seas were calm,  It felt so great to be back on the water again!  Since it was mid-week  and we are in the middle of the corona virus epidemic, there was very little boat traffic. It got a little choppy as the winds picked up but it didn’t last long and most of the day was just perfect.

We arrived at Herring Bay at 4:20, our anchorage for the night.  We had stayed here on previous voyages.  It’s just a shallow cove carved out of the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay between the Solomon’s and Annapolis.  We had a quiet night aboard enjoying  appetizers on the cutting board Stephanie had given us for Christmas.