Saturday, July 11, 2020

Annapolis, MD

On our last day with Stephanie and Ryan (Wed., July 8) we tried to make the most of it.  But first things first.  Jonny decided to try to retrieve the dropped pigtail shore power adaptor.  The tide was a little lower than the previous night and of course there was daylight.  But the water was just as dark and murky. He dove once, no luck. Twice, no luck. But the third time was the charm.  He retrieved the sunken treasure but how different it looked after less than 12 hours! What had been a bright neon yellow cord was now indelibly stained an ugly brownish-black.  He was convinced that would never be usable, but after some research he learned a way to dry it out.

So we took off from Cantler’s on yet another sunny and hot day. We had learned that there are a lot fewer jellyfish on the western shore and rivers of the Chesapeake than on the eastern shore where Oxford and St. Michael’s are.  We headed up Mill Creek for some sightseeing then over to Spa Creek in Annapolis where we had stayed previously moored.

An hour and a half later, we were happily  swimming and paddle boarding in fresh clean water.

Before long, we headed back into the main harbor in Annapolis where we tied up to a mooring ball for the night.  We passed all the colorful Lasers and Optis  sailing in the harbor. 

Ryan’s parents had kindly offered to pick them up the next day and we planned to meet them for lunch at 2:00.  Stephanie and Ryan packed up their things.  We took two trips in the dinghy to transport them and their bags into town and we walked up the grill to the Galway Inn where we were meeting Tim and Kerry for lunch.  After a very pleasant lunch, we walked them to their car.  Kerry had brought Lynn a gift of lovely zinnias (Lynn’s favorite) and a whole packet of fresh herbs from her garden.  We said our tearful goodbyes and confirmed that we had all had a wonderful time together and looked forward to many more.

After returning to Zendo, Lynn gathered all the laundry but was too lazy to take the dinghy into town to do it. Jonny spent time researching the replacement cost of the shore power cord and deciding whether or not to order one.  This was to be our last night in Annapolis for now, until next time.

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