Saturday, July 11, 2020

Cantler’s, Annapolis, MD

Tuesday, July 7 started out with a little excitement. As Jonny was bailing out the dinghy from the previous night’s rain, he noticed that the generator had stopped pumping water. He immediately turned the generator off and examined the generator strainer.   Lo and behold, it was clogged with jellyfish!  Trying to remove the remains was like scraping out gelatinous goo! Gross!  It took awhile to clean it all out followed by checking and cleaning out the air conditioning filters which weren’t quite as bad.

Once that was done, we took off for our long cruise back to the Chesapeake’s western shore.  The weather continued to be hot, but thankfully the seas were calm and there was no more rain.

Stephanie and Ryan kept busy most of the ride with crossword puzzles.

We really wanted to find a place with no jelly fish so we could go swimming - the best solution for beating the heat.  We cruised over to White Hall Bay which is north of Annapolis. After stopping a couple of times to see if it was safe for swimming, we finally found a great spot to swim and paddle board.  It was a lovely wooded cove with some beautiful homes and we spent a couple of hours cooling off and relaxing.

Afterwards, we proceeded with our original plan which was to cruise over to Cantler’s, a very popular seafood restaurant that provides free overnight dockage ( including electricity) for boaters who eat there. We were the only boat tying up.  Another in our series of unfortunate events then occurred.  Jonny had tied up the boat and Lynn was about to hand him the pigtail which is used to connect the boat to the electrical box on the dock.  She tripped on a line and dropped the pigtail right into the water. It happened so fast that there was nothing to be done. The pigtail is heavy and it immediately sank in the murky water. Not a good thing!!  All this happened as Stephanie was tuning into a family FaceTime call with Janice, Andy, Ed and Andy’s daughter, Samantha.  With all the excitement, we postponed the call until after dinner.  Fortunately,  we were still able to plug into the 30 amp plug. It would have been a drag if we couldn’t have plugged in because it was so very hot out.  No air conditioning would have been very uncomfortable especially with having guests on board.

Lynn and Jonny settled down and we proceeded up to the the restaurant where Stephanie and Ryan treated us to a delicious dinner of seafood and crabs served in at least half a dozen ways. We ate outside on the deck and enjoyed every bite.  Afterwards, we returned to Zendo, turned on the AC and resumed our FaceTime call with the family. 

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