Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Edgartown, MA

Jonny took Archie for one last walk in Nantucket on Sunday, July 21. He met Dan, who was staying at Tanya and Tom’s house, on his way to buy croissants for their breakfast. Dan was particularly fond of Archie so that was fun for both of them. 

We had decided to go to Edgartown on Martha’s Vineyard and grab a mooring there. We left by 9:25 and had a smooth three  and a half hour cruise there.

We were somewhat surprised by how large Edgartown Harbor is. The last time we were on Martha’s Vineyard we were in Oak Bluffs which is much smaller. We got a mooring which was less expensive than Nantucket - $45 vs. $75 and we were nestled among some beautiful sailing vessels!

Shortly after we arrived I received a call from our friend, Cathy, who told us to turn on the TV.  I knew right away what that meant. Joe Biden had announced his withdrawal from the presidential race. What a major event! It seemed inevitable with all the pressure on him to step down given his disastrous debate performance and the need to increase the chances for the Democrats to win this important election.  Of course, we had to tune in to absorb this big news, but we finally took off in the dinghy to explore Edgartown. 

I was pleasantly surprised to see that our mooring was just off of the Reading Room, a dock just one block from my cousin Sally’s summer home.  This historic home has been in her family for around sixty years and I had spent several fun vacations there in my childhood.

But Sally was not in town so we just took our time to walk through the streets of beautiful Edgartown.  The homes are all very historic, mostly white clapboard with black shutters and gorgeous gardens.  

The center of town has very nice shops and restaurants, some very fancy and others that have been there forever.

We asked a family eating ice cream what the best place for it was and they sent us here. 

We also took a long walk up N. Water St. for this beautiful view of the harbor and lighthouse.

Eventually we headed back to Zendo where we poured over the various news stations learning about all the recent developments and having a healthy salad for dinner. We also decided to cruise to Onset, MA the following day.

1 comment:

  1. As usual, gorgeous photos and excellent prose. You are bringing back many fond memories. Fare well!

    Duane and Diane
    m/v Diva Di
