Saturday, September 26, 2020

New York, NY

September 25 was not only memorable for being Lynn’s birthday but also because Michael and Debbie, Jonny’s cousins, were joining us for the cruise through Manhattan.  They drove to New Rochelle to meet us on Zendo by 8:30 so we could get a relatively early start and catch the fast current through Hell Gate.

It’s always very exciting going through NYC and would be especially so today because we had eager participants to share it with.  Debbie and Michael came armed with beautiful produce from their garden and of course, a nice bottles of wine. We are really enjoying the “fruits” of the gardens that all our cousins have willingly shared with us this summer.

By 9 a.m. we were on our way on a day with overcast skies and temperatures in the 70’s.

There was surprisingly light boat traffic on the East River and in New York Harbor. We passed all the beautiful bridges and landmarks that we don’t tire of seeing. The sun kept trying to peek through but never quite made it to fully sunny skies.

lunch we anchored behind the Statue of Liberty where we ate a delicious lunch of the ciambotta that Lynn made the day before and fresh bread and  marble pound cake for dessert from the bakery in New Rochelle.  Beer and wine helped to wash it all down.

After lunch we dropped our guests off at the dock of a restaurant in Jersey City where they were able to catch an array of public transportation that eventually got them back to their car. It was a really great visit!

We headed back to the anchorage where we would stay overnight next to Liberty Park, a much calmer spot than under Lady Liberty.

That night we received very good news that Stephanie had tested negative for Covid after getting a rapid results test. Needless to say, everyone was greatly relieved!  And Lynn was very happy with all the birthday calls and messages she had been getting all day.

Jonny made a light dinner of eggs with the remaining ciambotta and we relaxed after a full and very enjoyable day.

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