Thursday, June 13, 2024

Cape May, NJ

This is the first entry for our 2024 cruise! We spent more than a week at the Delaware City Marina where we had put Zendo up for the winter. We stayed with Stephanie and Ryan over one weekend and took the rest of the time to get Zendo ready for our voyage.

Jonny did a number of repairs while I did the bulk of the cleaning and cooking. We made a couple of provisioning trips as well as stocking up on all the essentials! 

Our departure was delayed twice due to more needed repairs (engine ignition timing and the replacement of the alternator). Our saloon was torn up for a couple of days!

Sea trials (or shake-down cruises) are important safeguards!  But the third time was the charm and we finally left quaint Delaware City on Wednesday, June 12 at 7 a.m. headed for Cape May.  It was an ideal day - with a favorable current, calm seas and no wind to speak of. 

We had a pleasant 7 hour cruise although Archie wasn’t that excited. He spent the whole time snuggled up to one or the other of us. 

We arrived at our anchorage in Cape May and were looking forward to eating at one of the two nearby fish restaurants.  After relaxing for a couple of hours, we took Archie in the dinghy (which he prefers over the big boat) and planned for an early dinner. Alas, both restaurants were closed - apparently only open from Thursday through Sunday. So we headed back to Zendo and had our own salmon dinner from our recent provisioning. We always anchor near the Coast Guard Station where we can hear the “Coasties” practicing at all hours.

We had a quiet evening on board planning for the next several days. We’ll be heading for Atlantic City where we will stay on a mooring and rent a car to drive to Fairfield, CT to stay with friends Peter and Paula for the weekend. On Saturday, we will join Jonny’s family for a Celebration of Life in honor of his cousin Steven who tragically passed away this winter. 

We’ll return to Zendo on Sunday and continue our journey. Our ultimate goal this year is to cruise all the way to Down East Maine and cross the Canadian border to visit Campobello Island where FDR and his family used to vacation. 

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