Thursday, June 20, 2024

City Island, NY

We caught the 6 a.m. bridge opening on Tuesday, June 18 leaving our Glimmer Glass anchorage in Manasquan bound originally for Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn.  But it was such a nice day we thought we might be able to make it all the way to City Island instead. The seas were remarkably flat, perfect for cruising.  It was sunny and warm and not too hot considering that there was a huge heat wave expected in the eastern part of the country. Jonny had the great idea of anchoring behind the Statue of Liberty and having lunch on board while we waited for the tide to turn so we could run with it up the East River and on to City Island. And that is exactly what we did for about 90 minutes, enjoying our time in the shadow of that great symbol,

From there we headed up the East River passing under the iconic Brooklyn Bridge and other landmarks which Archie seemed to enjoy watching.  

We arrived at the South Minneford Yacht Club at 4 p.m.  City Island is one of our go-to stops.  We like it because it’s like a little New England sailing village right in the middle of New York City. It’s casual and homey with only one Main Street and friendly residents.  

It was important for us to be in a marina because we were having a terrible time with our water onboard which had a strong sulphuric odor to it.  Jonny needed to drain the tanks and then shock them with bleach which we were hoping would correct the problem.

That evening I made twice cooked pork tenderloin, summer squash, and salad for dinner. Afterwards we took Archie for a walk through town stopping to buy the needed bleach and some ice cream for dessert at this funky market.

The next morning we walked Archie to a nearby park where he played frisbee and had fun playing with another poodle.  Jonny then spent the rest of the day on our water problem.  It was a drawn out process since he had to drain the two water tanks, fill them with diluted bleach and let that sit for 4 hours, then drain them again and refill them with clean water.  Fortunately his time and effort paid off and we now have clean odorless water! Jonny is ever so resourceful!

While he was doing that I was working on my Spanish homework because I’m now temporarily taking lessons with two Spanish tutors! You would think I would be fairly fluent by now!

That evening we had leftovers for dinner and made plans for the next seven days of our journey including meeting up with some of our cousins in the New Haven area.

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