Wednesday, June 26, 2024

New Haven, CT

When we woke up on Saturday, June 22 we were socked in by fog and could hardly see the shore from our anchorage in Copps Harbor.

We waited for it to lift a bit before taking Archie in to shore. The place where we tied up the day before was completely submerged by water because the tide was in. So we found another place at the end of a spit of land where Archie had a great time wading and chasing a stray tennis ball we found. Jonny kept finding deflated balloons from a nearby party and was collecting them to protect the birds and fish.

After a pleasant walk we returned to Zendo and pulled up anchor by 10:50 heading for the Pequonnock Yacht Club in New Haven.

It was a smooth crossing along the Connecticut coast and we arrived for our first time at the Peqonnock Yacht Club by 2:50. We maneuvered with a bit of difficulty into our assigned slip but discovered that it was too small - we stuck out by a couple of feet! So we were reassigned to another slip and when we arrived there we were greeted by local boat owners who told us that the owner of that slip was returning later in the day! So we were assigned to a third slip and fortunately the third time was the charm and we settled in quite comfortably.  This is a very nice yacht club with mostly sailboats and quite a fancy restaurant - formerly the Chart House.

That evening we were going to have dinner with my cousin Sally who lives nearby but there were a number of strong thunderstorms that didn’t abate so we decided to have lunch the next day instead. We hunkered down in our safe berth and looked forward to our time in New Haven where we would be seeing cousins from both sides and a fellow volunteer  from the Arsht Performing Arts Center in Miami. 

Sally arrived on Sunday morning and we headed over to Pepe’s Apizza for their famous clam pizza. Unfortunately we got there when the line was basically around the block. We couldn’t wait that long to eat so we went to another Italian restaurant that Sally knew where we had pizza and salad for lunch.  It was good to catch up with Sally who I only see once a year when we make these trips.

Later that afternoon, Jonny’s cousin Michael came to pick us up and bring us to his home in nearby Hamden. We had a nice visit with Michael and his wife Debby in their fabulous vegetable garden next to their chicken coops. 

Later on we headed over to the New Haven Green for a wonderful free outdoor concert with a unique group performing Inuit and Soul music! The performers were from Alaska and their music was creative, soulful and a lot of fun to watch as they performed with native instruments and dances.  

The next day we met our friend Alfredo who we know from the Arsht Center for lunch. This time we were successful at getting into Pepe’s and had two delicious pizzas.  Of  course, I had to have my favorite white clam pie with bacon which Pepe’s is known for. And we had their all meat pie which was surprisingly delicious. Alfredo gave us a ride back to Zendo and he came aboard to see how we live six months of the year. 

That evening Jonny and I went up to the yacht club for a cocktail before dinner. We had a fabulous view of New Haven Harbor and it was a fitting way to spend our last night at this marina. We are happy to have another option as a place to stay on this part of the Connecticut coast.

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