Friday, September 13, 2024

Bristol, RI

The first thing we did on Wednesday, September 11 was to dinghy in to for a longer walk in the Toisset Marsh Wildlife Reserve.  It was a beautiful day and a really pretty walk in the woods and through open fields. 

When we returned to Zendo I finally went for my first paddle board ride of the year. The waters were calm and it was such a warm day - it was a blast!

After finishing up the vichyssoise for lunch we left for Bristol by 1:50.  We debated whether to stay on a mooring at the highly recommended Bristol Yacht Club or get one by the town dock. We decided on the yacht club because they have a launch which will make it a lot easier for the guests who we were expecting on  Zendo the next day.  It was a perfect day for cruising and we arrived after a short one hour trip.

We had a relaxing afternoon thinking we would go in to the yacht club for a drink before dinner.  I received a phone call from what turned out to be a big scam regarding Publisher’s Clearing House. We went in to have a drink at the yacht club but alas, it was closed. So we retired to Zendo and made our own dinner and drinks on board.

The next day Jonny took Archie for a long walk through nearby Colt State Park and got a good shot of this deer.

Later on Andy, Ed, Samantha and our friend Gerhard came to Bristol to spend the day with us.  We had such a a good time together!

We all crammed into their rental car and went into Bristol to stroll through that lovely town followed by a fabulous lunch at a French restaurant called Le Central that Samantha generously treated us to!  Jonny and I had been there on a previous visit and liked it well enough to want to return.

Afterwards we all took the launch back to Zendo and took off for an afternoon cruise. We dropped anchor in Potter’s Cove off of Prudence Island and just hung out on the flybridge for a couple of hours enjoying the beautiful weather.

When we returned to Zendo in the late afternoon, they took Jonny and me to Walgreen’s where we picked up a prescription and said our goodbyes.  We then Ubered over to a local bar in Bristol where we met MTOA friends Gif and Christine for a drink.  Gif is the MTOA port captain for Rhode Island and he recommended several anchorages to us, all of which we loved. They were there to support a friend who was playing in a local band. We had a drink together and chatted a bit before heading back to Zendo.

What a busy and fun time we had in Bristol, another one of our favorite New England towns!  We just had a light bite for dinner and made an early night of it. Next stop - Block Island.

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