Monday, September 2, 2024

South Portland, ME

First thing in the morning on Saturday, August 31 Jonny walked into Portland and brought back some delicious baked goods from a nearby bakery. He got us blueberry and cranberry scones and a blueberry buckle. We have to eat as many of those Maine blueberries while we are still here!

Cathy was flying back to Charlotte that afternoon and would be leaving by noon so we planned to leave then as well.  Our original plan was to start making our way down the coast as we are officially on our way home now, especially as we leave Maine. But the weather was forecasted to be very windy and the seas promised to be very uncomfortable so we decided to just go across the harbor to S. Portland to get a mooring at the Centerboard Yacht Club. 

Our first order of business was to get a pump-out and fill our water tanks. Then we made the quick trip across the harbor and tied up to a mooring at Centerboard Yacht Club where we have stayed in the past. This yacht club has no docks. All the boats are on moorings. It’s in a nice area and within walking distance to a Hanniford’s Market which is a good grocery. The yacht club also has a free washer and dryer which is a very nice benefit.

That afternoon we took a walk through the surrounding neighborhoods which are very pleasant.

And later on we had the leftover pasta for dinner and watched an entertaining movie called Logan Lucky, sort of a hillbilly takeoff on Ocean’s 11.

The next day the seas were still kicked up and we decided to stay put for one more night so as not to put ourselves through a miserable rocky cruise.  We did some boat chores, Jonny walked to the grocery store and I took advantage of the free laundry.  Sitting in the colorful Adirondack chairs on the lawn of the yacht club was quite pleasant. We met a couple who were members there and lived on their sailboat half the year. It turned out that the husband was also from a town next to where Jonny grew up though it wasn’t quite the close association he had had with our dockmate in Portland.

That evening Jonny made cod on the grill and we had corn on the cob and a salad for dinner. We watched another movie, this time The Fall Guy with Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt, though it was not as entertaining as the previous night’s film. 

It turned out that Cathy’s flight which should have left at 2 p.m on Saturday was delayed multiple times but was still supposed to leave later that night. Then they told her it was cancelled and she would have to stay overnight and catch a flight the next morning.  American Airlines was anything but helpful offering no food vouchers and no assistance with finding a hotel. As we contemplated having her come back to stay with us which by then was almost 11 p.m. she finally found a nearby hotel where she could stay.  Her flight was supposed to leave early Sunday morning but it was delayed again. Finally the flight left on Sunday afternoon and as it neared Charlotte it was diverted to Greensboro, SC due to thunderstorms. There they sat on the runway for a couple of hours. She finally arrived home in Charlotte 29 hours later! Traveling is often fun but can be extremely stressful at times like this (to say the least)! We were all glad to have had such a good time together which helped to ease her frustration just a bit. 

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