Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Chesapeake City, MD

We took our time leaving Delaware City on Monday, September 23 in order to take advantage of the favorable current on the C&D Canal. In the morning we took Archie for a shorter than usual walk along the canal path and afterwards spent some time chatting with Tim, the owner of Delaware City Marina. 

Jonny, who is always very busy, did some boat chores including filling the batteries with water.  We didn’t leave until after lunch at 1:15, cruising past Delaware City’s cute town center.

The weather was overcast and a bit chilly but we bundled up on the flybridge and were fine.  

 We cruised past the center of Chesapeake City going under the bridge that connects the two parts of the town that sit on either side of the canal.

A few miles south we came to the Bohemia River, our destination for the day.  We found an anchorage just outside of Bohemia Bay Yacht Haven and dropped the hook. This is a great anchorage because we could take the dinghy in to the marina and tie up at their dock. So much easier than having to haul the dinghy onto the beach or into a forest clearing! 

This is a very attractive marina that appears to be well-managed. One of our boating friends keeps his boat here in one of their covered slips.  Jonny seriously considered keeping Zendo here for the winter but there was no place that we could leave our car as we can do in Delaware City.  It is also further from Philadelphia, so for now we will continue to keep Zendo in Delaware City.

We took Archie for a walk around the marina and he was able to run off leash for awhile.

That evening we had a cozy dinner of meatloaf, boiled potatoes and broccoli. Jonny went to be bed early and I followed him a bit later. Next stop is Baltimore where we will stay for six days because we’ll be volunteering for MTOA at the TrawlerFest there. And Stephanie and Ryan will be joining us for an overnight stay aboard Zendo to celebrate my birthday again!

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