Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Little Compton, RI

We got an early start on Monday, September 9 to avoid the seas picking up as they usually do as the day wears on. We were headed to an anchorage near Little Compton, RI. We planned to be sailing along the extensive Rhode Island coastline for the next few days because we planned to meet Jonny’s brother Andy and his husband Ed by the end of the week in Bristol. We took off by 7:25 for the four and a half hour cruise from Fairhaven exiting through New Bedford’s massive breakwater.

It was a sunny day but chilly, especially on the water. It was also a pretty bumpy ride with plenty of whitecaps until we turned up into the Sakonnet River where it calmed down considerably.

We arrived at our anchorage called Fogland by 11:50  and found a mooring ball that looked like no one had used in a while.  We settled in and had a bite of lunch and I spent a considerable amount of time updating the blog. Unfortunately, I was unable to load it and tried as I might, I was unsuccessful. It wasn’t due to poor connectivity, it’s probably due to the faulty Blogspot  program that has zero support from Google. I am either too lazy or too unmotivated to change my blog platform after all these years of using it.

We took a much needed break and dinghied onto the sandy and and stony shore for a much needed walk. Jonny tied the dinghy up with an anchor in the sand. The tides are not crazy here so it’s not as big a production as it was in Maine.

The shoreline here is something of a peninsula and as we walked up a road there was beach access on both sides. A few hardy souls were braving the blowing sand and sitting on the beach or next to their cars to block the wind. 

The windsurfers were definitely enjoying the windy weather which made for fun viewing for us.

Zendo was one of only a few boats in this large and calm anchorage,

That evening we had vichyssoise and salad for dinner and had a nice quiet night together. Next stop will be another anchorage in Rhode Island. We are back in civilization but there are still many lovely and peaceful spots to anchor.

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