Monday, September 23, 2024

Delaware City, DE

We left early at 6:45 on Friday, September 20th in order to take advantage of the currents flowing favorably up the Delaware Bay.  We were bound for our “home port” of Delaware City Marina.  We made good time on a very nice day with calm seas and few other vessels, though this big one quickly passed us.

We arrived in Delaware City by 1:10 and quickly tied up at their linear docks. We are here at a somewhat in-between time for cruisers so the marina was pretty quiet. We were docked right in front of a big sport fish owned by Mike and Steph who we met last time we were here. They are fixing up this big 70 plus foot boat which is turning out to be a bigger project than they bargained for! 

It’s always nice to be back at this marina. Tim, the owner, and the staff are so friendly and helpful that we always feel at home here.  Our plan was to be here just for the weekend so we could visit Stephanie and Ryan and by Monday leave for the Chesapeake Bay where we’ll be for a few weeks.

After tying up and having a bite of lunch, we did boat chores, cleaning, and laundry all afternoon and had a relaxing night onboard.

On Saturday we took Archie for a long walk on the canal path here which is a favorite of all three of us. Archie especially loves it because he can be off leash most of the way. 

By mid-afternoon we were on our way to Philly in our car which we leave at the marina while we are cruising. Our plan was to stay overnight at Stephanie and Ryan’s home. We were excited to see them since we hadn’t done so since early June.

We had a lovely reunion at their comfortable row house. Archie was thrilled to see Stephanie, as he always is. Eloise, their Corgi, was especially happy to see Archie and wanted to play and play.  Archie was somewhat indifferent though he did engage some with his little “niece.”  

That evening they had arranged for us to go out for a drink at a very cool little bar where we had delicious and creative cocktails. From there we walked over to Osteria Ama, a little Italian BYOB where Ryan had made reservations. We were lucky to be in Philly at this time because it was restaurant week. We had a delicious three course dinner for only $40 per person! Of course, Philly’s popular BYOB policy makes eating out particularly affordable. 

The next morning we all took a great three mile walk throughout the nearby Graduate Hospital and Fitler Square neighborhoods. This is the area where we will consider moving when the time is right for us to move to Philadelphia.  We stopped for coffee and breakfast sandwiches at one of their favorite coffee shops. 


These neighborhoods are very attractive with lots of parks, restaurants and even a lovely walkway and bike path along the Schuykill River. As we strolled along it and over a footbridge we got a fabulous view of the city. skyline. 

On the way back to their house we walked by Ryan’s twin sister, Shannon’s apartment where she lives with her boyfriend Andrew. They live just two blocks from Stephanie and Ryan. As we chatted with them, their friends Tim and Tom, who also live nearby walked by and stopped for awhile. It’s so nice that our kids have friends and family who live so close to them!

After returning to their home, we chatted for a bit and I got to open my birthday gifts from Stephanie and Ryan. They were so sweet and thoughtful and I was very appreciative. And we’ll get to celebrate again next weekend when we are in Baltimore! Jonny and I have a boat show that we are volunteering at and the kids will join us on Saturday to go out to dinner together.

We left their home around 1:00 to drive back to Delaware City stopping at Costco and Trader Joe’s along the way to pick up some groceries.  That evening Mike and Steph, in the boat behind us, invited us over for a drink. We chatted with them for a couple of hours before returning to Zendo where we ate the leftovers from the previous night’s dinner.

The next day we’ll start our trip to Baltimore which will take us a couple of days.

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