Monday, September 16, 2024

New Haven, CT (return trip)

As he always does, Jonny, who gets up earlier than me, took Archie in for a last walk around Stonington first thing on Sunday, September 15. 

When he returned we got ready to continue our travels and took off by 8:25 bound for New Haven. We need to keep moving and have longer travel days so we can be in Baltimore by September 24 where we will be volunteering at the Trawler Fest there.  Our destination for the day was the Pequonnock Yacht Club where we stayed on the way up.  

The day was sunny and nice but the seas were a little rolly causing us to have a very simple lunch of hummus, carrots and crackers so I didn’t have to  spend much time in the galley. It was a long day of travel and the seas started to pick up as the day wore on.  But the sailboats were certainly happy!

Once we entered New Haven harbor things settled down.  We arrived at the yacht club by 4:10 and grabbed a mooring.  

Our friend Ted Grave and his girlfriend Nancy were going to pick us up at 5 to have pizza because what else do you eat when you are in New Haven but pizza!  We know Ted through MTOA. Over the years he has generously offered us his mooring in the Thimble Islands and also got Jonny a great deal on Zendo’s solar panels.  His latest gift was an assortment of practical boating supplies since he no longer has his trawler.  This time Jonny wanted to go to Modern Apizza since we usually go to either Pepe’s or Sally’s. These are the three pizzerias that New Haven is so famous for.  Fortunately,  the line in front of Modern was not as long as the line for the other two. We sat in one of their cozy booths and tried unsuccessfully to narrow down our order.  Jonny and Ted wanted a double anchovy pizza. Ted insisted we try their clams casino pizza. I had heard that their all meat Italian Bomb was the bomb. Nancy is a vegetarian who wanted a mushroom and onion pie. And because they are in season, we thought a tomato pie would be appropriate.  So instead of deciding, Ted ordered all of them! We had so many pizzas that they had to place a table next to our booth to hold them all! We easily rationalized our decision knowing that we would take a lot home with us to eat over the next couple of days. What a feast we had! Jonny and I liked the double anchovy, the Italian Bomb and the clams casino pies the best. 

Ted jokingly (I think) suggested we go for ice cream afterwards but, needless to say, we politely declined. He drove us back to the yacht club and we climbed into the dinghy for the ride home in the dark under an almost full moon. I wrapped  up the leftovers and put half in the freezer and the other half in the refrigerator for the next day.

That evening we regretfully called Addie and Lange, who were planning to come for their annual trip for my birthday, to tell them that the seas are expected to be pretty rough over the next week. It’s uncomfortable enough for Jonny, Archie and me when the seas are high much less for guests who are not used to it.  We recommended they postpone their visit, though it might be challenging to find another time because they are off to Nepal for 10 days.   Hopefully, they will be able to join us sometime in October when we’ll be on the Chesapeake Bay. We are all disappointed because it’s been an annual tradition but we’ll keep our fingers crossed.

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