Tuesday, September 17, 2024

City Island, NY (return trip)

We usually try to get an early start when we can so after Jonny took Archie in for a walk, we left by 7:20 on Monday, September 16 to continue our cruise, this time heading for City Island, NY.

It was a nice calm day on the water with very comfortable temperatures.  For lunch we had leftover cold pizza which was still delicious!  We arrived at the Harlem Yacht Club without incident by 2:30 where we picked up a mooring,  We like staying here but haven’t for the last year or two because it’s a moorings-only yacht club and we had needed access to a dock the last couple of times we were in City Island.  But we like the Harlem Yacht Club with its friendly launch service and its traditional bar. Unfortunately, on this Monday the bar was closed.  

We took the launch into City Island to give Archie a walk and to do a little grocery shopping.

Strolling along the main drag, City Island Avenue, we passed some of the familiar sites.

There’s a nice park where Archie can run off-leash and it was there that we played frisbee with him so he got some good exercise.  From there we walked to Dominick’s, the local market, where we bought a few items in this small, but fairly well-stocked grocery.  

With the cabbage we had sitting in the refrigerator for awhile, I made a new recipe - a casserole with cabbage, Italian sausage, and onions with a bread crumb Parmesan topping that turned out to be quite tasty.  Because I used a whole cabbage and a whole pound of sausage we had so much leftover that we froze half of it and still have enough in the refrigerator for another meal.

We had a quiet night aboard Zendo watching a couple of episodes of Suits before going to bed to read. We’ll be having a few long days to get through New York and down the New Jersey coast to take advantage of calmer seas before they are predicted to pick up.  Next stop - Manasquan, NJ and our favorite Glimmer Glass anchorage.

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