Sunday, September 15, 2024

Stonington, CT

While I had a Spanish lesson at 8 a.m. on Saturday, September 14 Jonny cleaned the carburetor on the dinghy engine which it needed. From there we rode into shore to walk around Block Island some more.  It was  an exquisite day, sunny and warm with no humidity. 

We walked up the hill to a very busy farmer’s market with interesting crafts, beautiful flowers, some local food products and very few vegetable stands.  I bought a set of pretty cards and we bought a couple of homemade pastries to eat later.  

On the walk back, we found a short but pretty trail through the woods where Archie was able to run off leash for a little while.

Then a few minutes later,  who should we run into but Bill and Joanne Volmar who had helped us find a place to anchor Zendo when we went to upstate New York in  June! They had come over for the day from their home in nearby Niantic.  What a nice surprise! We got to tell them about our adventures since we last saw them.

By 11:40 we left the harbor for our cruise across the Sound to Stonington, CT where we planned to have dinner with our friends Susan and Ralph. 

We arrived by 3:00 after stopping at the harbor to fill our water tanks and get a pump-out.  We reconfirmed the cost of a mooring there thinking it might be less now that we are off-season, but it was still $100 per night which is a lot higher than even Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard.  No problem, there is an anchoring field adjacent to the mooring field which is what we did the last time we were here a few years ago.

However, once we got to the anchoring field we we had quite a time getting the anchor to stick. We had to try four or five times over about 45 minutes before it finally held. 

By that time we had just enough time to shower and get into town to meet Susan and Ralph for dinner.  But we got there in time at 4:30 to allow us all time to stroll around this lovely Connecticut shore town before having dinner. They had just moved to nearby Westerly, RI from Newtown, CT and were still settling in. They hadn’t been to Stonington before so it was a treat for them to see it as well.

I had made reservations at Noah’s Restaurant where we had celebrated my birthday several years ago when our friends Addie and Lange King were with us. This time we had a cute corner table in the bar and  enjoyed a delicious dinner. It was great to see Susan and Ralph and to catch up after not seeing each other for quite a while. Susan is another friend of mine from my high school days. We so appreciate the many friends and family we see on our boating adventures!

We dinghied back to Zendo in the dark and made an early night of it. The next day we would have a longer cruise to New Haven.

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