Thursday, September 12, 2024

Kickamuit River, RI

I had a Spanish lesson at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, September 10 so Jonny took Archie for a nice off-leash walk along the beach by our Fogland anchorage.  After my lesson I obsessed for a couple of hours trying to figure out why my last blog entry from Fairhaven wouldn’t load properly. I was unsuccessful so I just rewrote the damn thing and that’s why we didn’t leave our anchorage until 11:50.

We had a short hour and a half hour cruise on a beautiful sunny day and arrived at an anchorage on the Kickamuit River not far from Bristol, RI by 1:15.  This is a beautiful anchorage, large and very well-protected with few fellow boaters.  It has attractive homes along part of its banks and a large undeveloped wildlife preserve surrounding the remaining banks.

We had the whole afternoon to ourselves and after lunch Jonny went paddleboarding. He hasn’t taken Archie with him yet this year so little Archie wistfully waited for him to return.

Afterwards we all dinghied in to shore and tied up to an outstretched dead tree. We went for a quick walk in the Toisset Marsh Wildlife Refuge along the well-tended trails. We had to cut our walk a bit short because Jonny’s blood sugar levels were dropping but we knew we would return to explore this attractive refuge some more.

As we hurried back to Zendo, a man in a skiff hailed us and introduced himself. He had seen our trawler anchored in the bay and was curious as to how we learned about this relatively unknown spot since we were clearly out of state.  He was very friendly and shared that he and his wife had just returned from Maine in their Grand Banks. They live nearby and we had an enjoyable chat about our recent travels.  He also was just given a gift membership to MTOA so that was a nice endorsement of this new feature that MTOA has recently implemented.

We enjoyed the rest of the afternoon onboard reading and relaxing. I made sausage and peppers for dinner and we made more preparations to meet Andy, Ed and Samantha in Bristol the next day.

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